(the good old days before she thought Barbies and babies were for BABIES- rolls eyes). Well, one day baby no name was a little too dirty for my liken'... so when Mackenzie sat her down, I tossed her in the washing machine. Fast Forward 20 minutes and baby no name had no head. Sheer panic came over me. I know about toy attachment- I experienced the same for Baby Beth. ** As I did the "holy crap" dance in my kitchen - your familiar with it, we have all done this dance- and paced back and forth, I came up with a plan** At the time, me and the husband were just dating, but I called him asking for assistance in this matter. He drove from Montevallo, while Mackenzie was a sleep and attached the dolls head. She had no idea that I had decapitated her baby. All was right in the world of baby dolls again.
This past year, for my anniversary present the husband located an Original Baby Beth. He packed her up in a box inside our luggage as we headed for Vegas - our original knot tying spot- with a letter to the TSA agents to please not "gut" her while looking for drugs that it was a present for his unsuspecting wife.
(I KNOW- Pretty COOL huh?- he put a lot of thought into that) I have never been so surprised in my life, except maybe when I found out Walker was a butter bean in the ol' oven- THAT DID SHOCK THE FOOL OUT OF ME! Huh... come to think of it, he is responsible for both surprises, well I be darned. Anyways, it was a huge, well executed surprise.
Why is this on my mind? Well as we all get caught up in the Christmas rush- do you ever stop to think, this toy... pause inserted here... could be the one? The one that provides security at night and comfort during the day for the special child on your list... IS that the toy the child will remember and automatically smile about as an adult? As you shop, may you make memories to last your family a lifetime!
Later, My friend
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