So me being me.... I thought I would post a few random items I have ran across during my Christmas Shopping on the Internet. I know as you look at this, you can't help but be a little grateful that you are not related to me OR you could be gifted the gift you can't
regift. Enjoy,
and if you can figure out the frog... I am all ears.
Vanity an issue? This is COOL- Pistol Packing Momma that can get her hair under control! |
A Knitted Frog Dissection...WHY? |
Are you mad at someone? Recently divorced? This will show em' |
Do you have a gardener in your life? Do they like Syfy? Well, If you do... I have the perfect Idea for you. Give them a "Big Foot Spotting.... In the radish garden?" Really?

My Favorite... A Pizza Cutter For "Him".... This one is useful...
So what have you found to wrap under the tree? |
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